Auction pros teach you how to work from home or earn extra income by buying and selling goods online.
Learn from an auction pro how to work from home or earn extra income by buying and selling goods online for top dollar. This course will teach you how to get noticed, value items, sell quickly, protect against fraud, and safely conduct financial transactions.
Online auctions match buyers with sellers in a global marketplace for almost any item. If you've ever dreamed of working from home or just earning extra income by buying and selling goods online, this course will guide you every step of the way!
In this course, you will gain all of the knowledge necessary for success in the online marketplace. You'll learn how to create titles that get noticed, how to craft advertising copy that sells items quickly and for top dollar, and how to create and upload photos of the items you are selling. You'll also learn how to safely conduct financial transactions, how to accept credit card payments, and how to pack and ship any item hassle-free. If you're a buyer, you'll learn how to value almost any item up for auction, how to get the best possible price, how to protect yourself against fraud, and how to compete effectively against other bidders.
There are no prerequisites to take this course.
Hardware Requirements:
Software Requirements:
Instructional Material Requirements:
The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.
Entering the world of eBay can be somewhat like visiting a foreign land. It has its own community, culture, and language (so to speak). In the first lesson, you'll learn all the ins and outs of the eBay marketplace. The lesson will go over eBay's history, the motivations for buying and selling, and how to browse the categories of eBay.
Knowing how to search the eBay auction listings for items of interest is fundamental if you're interested in buying or selling goods in the eBay marketplace. In this lesson, you'll learn the basics, as well as some advanced search methods, allowing you to not only find what's currently up for auction, but also to gather information on items that have recently sold. You'll also go over the eBay registration process so you can truly begin your eBay experience.
In this lesson, you'll take a tour through the eBay auction pages to help you understand the site's terminology and layout. You'll learn what specifics to look for in item descriptions to help you become an astute buyer. You'll also explore the My eBay section of eBay—an invaluable tool that you'll use to keep track of everything from your buying and selling activities to keeping lists of favorite searches, sellers, categories, and much, much more.
This lesson will guide you step-by-step through the eBay bidding and buying process. Not only will you learn all the bidding basics, but you'll discover the art of bidding, including proxy bidding, bid sniping, and other tips for winning an auction at the best possible price. It will also prepare you for what happens after the auction ends—communicating with the seller and making your payment.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to prepare for your first sale on eBay. You'll go through the first steps of the selling process, including locating items to sell, creating effective auction descriptions, and properly promoting your listings for maximum exposure.
In this lesson, you'll learn why digital photographs are so important when selling an item on eBay. The lesson will cover what type of camera you need, lighting and background techniques, picture editing, and even how to protect the images you capture.
This lesson will go over the basics of pricing your auction items and discuss setting your shipping rates. You'll learn why pricing your item lower may actually get you more money in the end. The lesson will also discuss how value plays a part in the price you ask and what a reserve price is. Then you'll go over what supplies you'll need to ship your merchandise, and where to find valuable shipping tools and resources.
This lesson will guide you step-by-step through the process of launching your auction. You'll learn selling fundamentals such as registering as a seller, understanding eBay's fee schedule, and filling out the selling form for your item. You'll also go over adding pictures to your listing description, accepting online payments, and using online escrow services.
In this lesson, you'll learn the steps you may need to take once you've listed your item. You'll see how to make revisions to an auction currently in progress, how to answer questions from bidders regarding an item you have up for sale, how to cancel bids from unwanted bidders, and how to end an auction early.
In this lesson, you'll truly be inducted into the eBay community! You'll discover all the different elements that make up the social world of eBay, such as the discussion forums, "About Me" pages, chat boards, and other eBay tools such as eBay radio and the eBay News Section. When you're finished with this lesson, eBay will be your online home away from home.
In this lesson, you'll take a tour through the world of eBay stores where you can take your eBay selling experience to the next level. You'll find out how to design and open an eBay store and then look at other valuable sellers' resources, such as listing tools and auction management software.
The final lesson will go over some advanced selling topics. You'll learn which items tend to sell the best, how to find out what the hottest sellers are, and how and where to find inventory to sell. It will also discuss eBay's trading assistant program and other auction websites. You'll finish the course with some priceless parting knowledge that will help you jump-start your eBay selling success.
Shirley George Frazier
Shirley George Frazier is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and popular speaker at trade shows and small business events. Her business advice has been featured on CNBC, Food Network, and LiveWell Network; and her tips have been published in CNN Money, Entrepreneur, and Costco Connection. Shirley's passion for education inspires creative people to achieve their goals.
The ExpertRating Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay is designed keeping in mind your comfort and convenience. You can access the course from anywhere, anytime. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or an always-on-the-go working professional, you can keep learning. Access it from your home computer, your tablet or your mobile phone – whatever or whenever is convenient for you.
When you choose the ExpertRating Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay, you can be sure that you are choosing a respected certification that is recognized by hundreds of private employers in the US and other countries.
ExpertRating offers its training and testing services to some of the biggest and best companies in the world, such as Convergys Corp, UPS, GAP, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Coke, Citrix, IKEA Systems, Google and Ericsson, to name a few.
When you purchase the Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay, you also receive the highly recognizable hard copy certificate at your physical address within 12-15 days of taking the exam.
At just $129.99, the ExpertRating Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay is your 'best value-for-money' option for enrolling in a Life Coach Program. Payments can be made using all major credit cards or PayPal. All payments are through secure online transactions. ExpertRating is a PayPal verified seller with 200,000+ sales through PayPal.
ExpertRating upholds the highest privacy standards and complies with strict program requirements, ensuring that your information is always safe.
ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, which reflects that our courses and tests conform to the highest international quality standards. Our training material is prepared by thorough professionals with years of experience, and goes through several rounds of analysis by expert teams to help develop well balanced, comprehensive and meaningful content.
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